66 Tannery Lane #01-03i
Sindo Building, Singapore 347805
Multi-purpose Ultraviolet (UV-C) Steriliser NL005A/B/C
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Multi-purpose Ultraviolet (UV-C) Steriliser - NL005A

Multi-purpose Ultraviolet (UV-C) Steriliser - NL005A

Multi-purpose Ultraviolet (UV-C) Steriliser - NL005C

Multi-purpose Ultraviolet (UV-C) Steriliser - NL005A
Multi-purpose Ultraviolet (UV-C) Steriliser (Large)
Suitable for use in restaurants, cafes, eateries, central kitchens, caterers, hotels, larger scale food preparation and manufacturing facilities, etc.
Different compartment sections in the ultraviolet (UV-C) steriliser for easy segregation
Chopping boards, knives, aprons, cloths, gloves, uniforms, kitchen attire, all types of kitchen tools and overgarments can be placed inside the ultraviolet (UV-C) steriliser and easily sanitised through ultraviolet sterilisation and hot-air drying function
3 Designs available: Design A, B & C

Product Specifications
Size: 160cm (L) x 60cm (W) x 190cm (H)
Power Consumption: 2370 W
Design A: 7 Aprons, 7 Overgarments, 7 Pairs of Rubber Boots
Design B: 10 Knives, 5 120cm Chopping Boards, 15 Pairs of Rubber Gloves, 15 Dishcloths, Kitchen Tools
Design C: 7 Aprons, 12 Knives, 5 90cm Chopping Boards, 10 Pairs of Rubber Gloves, 15 Dishcloths, Kitchen Tools
Product Functions
Ultraviolet sterilisation
Dryer function
Temperature & Timer settings
4~9 compartments with fixed shelving depending on design
Button keypad
High-grade stainless steel material
Plasma ioniser - Optional
Note: Able to change internal composition of fixed shelving and compartments upon request